
  Sunrise: 1st Feb – 07h.43m.
Sunset: 1st Feb – 17h.57m.
Full moon: 9th Feb.

VEGETABLE PLOTS: Seed lettuce (to be transplanted in March/April). Seed cabbage, turnip, sprouting turnip (nabiça – grelos), leeks, peppers, chili peppers, chick peas, celery, garlic, cabbage (repolho), and tomatoes in green house or poly tunnel, animal beets, carrots, coriander, spinach, peas, broad beans. Buy at local markets cabbage (coração de boi), broccoli, and cauliflower to plant out. Transplant onions to harvest in May/June or plant sets. End of the month seed early corgettes in greenhouse to be planted out more or less 10 days later.

FIELDS: The fields to be seeded in spring should be manured, ploughed, rotorvated or dug.
Plant potatoes end of month in warmest spots to harvest in June.

VINEYARDS/ TREES/ PRUNING/ GRAFTING: Prune kiwis and trees (except apricots), with the waning moon. Vines must be pruned by the end of the month, with waning moon. Treat apple, pear and peach trees – anti fungal. Can start with fruit tree planting and grafting when the sap is rising with waxing moon.

REMARKS: If not already done, rack/siphon your wine off the sediment to bottles or containers.